[Linas Aleknevicius, Kenneth Mak]
This project allows a user to enter any P0 code into a cell within a Jupyer Notebook and run it without the need of external libraries such as WABT installed on the system. To do this, we started with the base parser for the P0 language provided by this course. We then modified it to compile a runnable Python file instead of WebAssembly. The kernel will take the compiled python file, run it, and output the result to the user below the cell.
Clone the repository and ```cd``` into the directory
jupyter kernelspec install --user p0
. You can run
jupyter kernelspec list
to check
the list of installed kernels
into the p0 directory, and run
jupyter notebook
The files within this project are:
This notebook contains programs relevant to the explanations. For a complete list of more detailed programs, refer to the CGpy Tests notebook.
type A = [2 .. 9] → integer
var a: A
procedure (r: A) q()
r[2] := 7
program p
writeln() //a.q()
"""), 'assign.wat', target = 'wat')
!wat2wasm assign.wat
Our goal is to allow the running of P0 code directly within the cell. This is accomplished by replacing the default Python kernel in Jupyter with a P0 kernel that would compile and output the P0 code inline with the expected behaviour.
When receiving input from a code cell in Jupyter,
the function that parses and returns the appropriate
response is the do_execute
The parameter code
represents the code
to be executed (i.e. the contents of the cell). When
the kernel is ready to send back a response to the
user, it constructs a stream
type, with the appropriate message inside the
. This is then passed through to
the kernel messaging protocol to output to the user
def do_execute(self, code, silent=False, store_history=True, user_expressions=None, allow_stdin=True):
if not silent:
stream_content = {'name': 'stdout', 'text': code}
self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'stream', stream_content)
return {'status': 'ok',
'execution_count': self.execution_count,
'payload': [],
'user_expressions': {},
In this case, do_execute
receives the
code code
and simply transmit it back,
by storing it in stream_content
sending it back with send_response
The value of stream_content['text']
what the user will receive.
stream_content = {'name': 'stdout', 'text': 'hello world'}
For example, this would make the kernel reply to all code cells with 'hello world'.
We worked on two separate solutions for developing a Jupyter Kernel for P0. The first method was a quick combination of the a P0 kernel with the course's method on running P0 code via Web Assembly.
The second method is a development of a new Code Generator that would target Python. We chose the Python language because it is embedded within Jupyter, reducing the requirement for additional tools to run it.
The first method involved simply feeding the code input into the pre-established process and sending the output to the kernel.
In this case, code written in the cell would be
automatically run through
when the cell is run.
The resulting wat
file would then be
converted with wat2wasm
, and the
file would be run with
This entire procedure is the same as what we encountered in the course notes and assignments, except the compilation, conversion, and running of the WebAssembly file would occur behind the scenes when the cell is ran.
The function that takes in contents of the cell and returns the output after compilation, conversion, and running.
def output(code):
P0.compileString(input, "program.wat", 'wat') # Compiling text from cell
os.system('wat2wasm program.wat') # Converting generated file to binary
return runpywasm('program.wasm') # Running the .wasm file; return value is the output of the file
The function that runs the wasm
and captures the output. This is the same code
encountered in our course notes.
def runpywasm(wasmfile):
str = io.StringIO()
def write(s, i): print(i)
def writeln(s): print('\n')
def read(s): return int(input())
with contextlib.redirect_stdout(str):
pywasm.load(wasmfile, {'P0lib: {'write': write, 'writeln': writeln, 'read': read}})
output = str.getvalue()
return output
The method was scrapped because it relies on an external tool of WebAssembly.
Preferably this project should use the Jupyter protocols directly and rely on other tools as little as possible.
This method used WebAssembly, and libraries such as
, or the command
had to be present on the
machine prior to execution. This meant that this
implementation could not function by itself, and we
realized that we should focus on using as little
outside tools as possible.
The second method was the development of a new Code Generator for Python. This would translate the P0 code into Python code, and we could then run this generated python program and feed the results back to the kernel.
By translating the P0 code into a Python file, we will then be able to run and return the outputs of this program without the need for external tools, preventing this kernel from having too many additional dependencies.
def do_execute(self, code, silent=False, store_history=True, user_expressions=None,
if not silent:
compile(code, "program.py", 'py') # compiles program into python file
response = output("program.py") # runs and stores output from python file with given inputs
except Exception as e:
response = "P0 Parse Error: " + str(e)
stream_content = {'name': 'stdout', 'text': str(response)}
self.send_response(self.iopub_socket, 'stream', stream_content)
The file that handles the conversion process of the
string P0 programs into Python. Used by
# Compiles the P0 code into a file with the given name and the target language
def compile(code, name, type = 'py'):
P0.compileString(code, name, type)
# Runs the given python file and returns the output.
def output(filename):
fileout = runpyfile(filename)
return fileout
# Runs a python file with the given arguments while capturing the stdout and stderr values
def runpyfile(pyfile):
process = subprocess.run('py ' + pyfile, capture_output=True, text=True)
output = str(process.stdout) + "\n" + str(process.stderr)
return output
The function compileString was modified to allow targeting to the Python Code Generator.
def compileString(src, dstfn = None, target = 'py'):
global CG
if target == 'py': import CGpy as CG # <- new Code Generator
elif target == 'wat': import CGwat as CG
elif target == 'mips': import CGmips as CG
elif target == 'ast': import CGast as CG
else: print('unknown target'); return
SC.init(src); ST.init(); p = program()
if dstfn == None: return str(p)
else: with open(dstfn, 'w') as f: f.write(p)
print("Compiled " + str(dstfn) + '\n')
except Exception as msg:
raise Exception(str(msg))
There was a bug that did not allow the letter
to be used as a variable of a
parameter. To fix this, the function
getSym was slightly modified when
is detected:
if ch == 'n':
if ch == 'o':
if ch == 't':
if ch == ' ': sym = NOT
else: identKW()
else: identKW()
else: identKW()
Some examples can be found in this notebook. For more in-depth testing, visit the 'CGpy Tests.ipynb' notebook.
Here is a sample comparison made between a WebAssembly result and our Python equivalent within a Jupyter Notebook:
Furthermore, here is a sample comparison made between a WebAssembly compilation and our Python equivalent:
(import "P0lib" "write" (func $write (param i32)))
(import "P0lib" "writeln" (func $writeln))
(import "P0lib" "read" (func $read (result i32)))
(global $_memsize (mut i32) i32.const 0)
(func $program
(local $a i32)
(local $b i32)
(local $i i32)
(local $0 i32)
i32.const 1
i32.const 3
local.set $0
i32.const 1
local.get $0
i32.const 5
local.set $0
i32.const 1
local.get $0
i32.const 7
local.set $0
i32.const 1
local.get $0
local.set $a
local.set $i
local.get $i
local.set $0
i32.const 1
local.get $0
local.get $a
i32.const 7
local.set $0
i32.const 1
local.get $0
i32.const 9
local.set $0
i32.const 1
local.get $0
i32.const 0xffffffff
local.get $a
local.set $a
local.get $i
i32.const 12
local.get $i
local.set $0
i32.const 1
local.get $0
local.get $a
local.get $i
call $write
local.get $i
i32.const 1
local.set $i
br 1
(memory 1)
(start $program)
uSet = set(list(range(-10000, 10000)))
def bitsets():
global uSet
a = None
b = None
i = None
i = 1
a = ({3, 5, 7})
if (not ((i) in a)):
a = (a.intersection((uSet - ({9, 7}))))
while (i < 12):
if ((i) in a):
i = (i+1)
Overall, we tried to include the same functionality as the original P0 parser. This means:
We also added support for automatic indentation according to Python standards. In order to accomplish this, we had to account for fundamental differences between WebAssembly and Python, where one language has a binary instruction format on a stack, and the other is a traditional object-oriented language. However, we kept the same methodology of pushing and popping instructions from an array. Often this meant we had to merge multiple instructions into a single line.
Python, like P0, uses indentation as part of its flow control. We define a function that meant to control and shift indentation.
# Modifies the current indent by the selected value
def moveIndent(val):
global indent
indent += (val*4)
When defining a program, we save the name of the
program to be used later to run the function. We
then also increment the curlev
, current
level of our variables, and increase the indentation
by 1.
# Entering program name 'ident'.
def genProgEntry(ident):
global curlev, programName
programName = ident
asm.append('def ' + ident + '():') # Defining the function; i.e. def arithmitic():
curlev = curlev + 1
declareGlobalVars() # Appends a line of global variables for access
When a program ends, we reduce the indentation by 1
for future lines, and reduce the level. We also add
a call to programName
to call this
program in the python file.
# Ending program; returning all lines of code in asm with \n appended
def genProgExit(x):
global curlev, programName
curlev = curlev - 1
moveIndent(-1) # reduce indents
asm.append ('\n' + programName + '()') # Call this program at the end
return '\n'.join(l for l in asm) # Flattens asm stack into a string
Procedures are treated similarly to Programs. We
simply increment the curlev
- the
current level of our variables - write down the
declaration, and increase the indentation by 1.
Finally we also declare the global vars as a line so
the function has access to them.
# Starting procedure name 'ident'; declaration, moving indents, and declaring global variables
def genProcStart(ident, fp, rp):
global curlev
curlev = curlev + 1
if rp: asm.append(' '*indent + 'def ' + ident + '(' + ','.join(e.name for e in rp) + '):')
return rp
# Entering procedure 'ident'; occurs after local vars are loaded, so nothing is done here
def genProcEntry(ident, para, local):
P0 defines the returned values next to the parameters in a procedure, whereas Python has an explicit return statement at the very end of function to return the values. To support returning values, the genProcExit function is modified to append a return statement, along with the parameters that were originally passed:
# Exiting procedure; return any parameters as needed, and reduce indent
def genProcExit(x, para, local):
global curlev
curlev = curlev - 1
if para: asm.append(' '*indent + 'return (' + ','.join(e.name for e in para) + ')')
procedure useful(x, y: integer) → (q, r: integer)
q, r := x+5, y+8
program veryuseful
var a, b, c, d: integer
a := 1
b := 2
c, d ← useful(a, b)
6 10
program useful
const N = 4
var r: integer
program useful
var x, y: integer
r := 7
y, x := 6, 10
10 6 4
Global variables required creating a separate array,
, within
genProgStart to keep track of assignment.
Then, the function genGlobalVars is
modified to append the global variables to said
array, as well as call to initialize each variable.
def genGlobalVars(sc, start):
global memsize
# Declare a universal set
asm.append('uSet = set(list(range(-' + str(uniSetRange) +', '+ str(uniSetRange) +')))')
for i in range(start, len(sc)):
if type(sc[i]) == Var:
if sc[i].tp in (Int, Bool) or type(sc[i].tp) in (Array, Record, Set):
asm.append(' '*indent + initializeVar(sc[i]))
else: mark('genGlobalVars - error handling unknown type ' + str(type(sc[i])))
There is also a special case when dealing with Sets, specifically the complement and intersection operations within Python. For these scenarios, a universal set is introduced with a range of -N to N.
# Declare a universal set
asm.append('uSet = set(list(range(-' + str(uniSetRange) +', '+ str(uniSetRange) +')))')
For example, in P0, the Complement of an empty set
is the set of all integers. As Python cannot do
this, we declare a uSet
that will
represent this concept of a universal set of all
integers from -N to N.
uSet = set(list(range(-10, 10)))
uSet = {-10, -9, -8, ..., 8, 9, 10}
Upon entry of a program or procedure, a call to the function declareGlobalVars is made to go over the global variables array and append each one, separated by commas, to the main array as a Python instruction:
def declareGlobalVars():
if (len(globalVars) > 0):
asm.append(' '*indent + "global " + ",".join(v for v in globalVars))
This provides the function access to the global variables
a, b, c = 0, 4, 7
def function1:
global a, b, c
Local variables only required modifying the genLocalVars function to append and simultaneously initialize each variable:
def genLocalVars(sc, start):
for i in range(start, len(sc)):
if type(sc[i]) == Var:
asm.append(' '*indent + initializeVar(sc[i]))
return sc[start:]
The initialization of each variable is done with the inclusion of the initializeVar function. Upon a call, it uses the getInitialValue function to determine the value of each variable based on its type, and based on its rational Python equivalent.
def initializeVar(var):
res = var.name + ' = ' + getInitialValue(var.tp)
return res
For example, a variable of Integer type is set to 0, a set is set(), and empty set. Arrays are initialized to an array with a length determined by the variable attributes, whereas records are initialized to a Python dictionary that holds each of the record values.
This function takes the type of the given variable, and returns the initial value of said type. If the type is an Array or Record, it recursively visits the inner fields/element's type.
def getInitialValue(varType):
if varType == Int: return '0' # integers initialize to 0
elif varType == Bool: return 'False' # booleans initialize to False
elif type(varType) == Set: return 'set()' # python set
elif type(varType) == Array: # ararys initiaze to ['type' for i in range 'length']
res = '[' + getInitialValue(varType.base) + ' for i in range(' + str(varType.length + varType.lower) + ')]'
# handles [2..6] by doing [0 for i in range 6]
return res
elif type(varType) == Record: # Python dictionary {"f1": v1, "f2": v2, ..., "fn": vn}
recordValues = []
for f in varType.fields:
val = getInitialValue(f.tp)
line = '"' + f.name + '": ' + val
recordValues += [line]
return '{' + ','.join(i for i in recordValues) + '}' # python dict
else : return 'None'
The loadItem function return the appropriate value of a scanned item depending on its type. For example, if the item is a constant, then we want to retrieve its value, checking if it is a Bool or Int.
If it is a variable, we check to see if it can be
retrieved via the item's name, or if we have the pop
the result from the stack asm
and use
that instead.
def loadItem(x):
if (type(x) == Const):
if (x.tp == Bool): return (x.val == 1)
else: return str(x.val) # integer
elif type(x) == Var:
# return the name of the variable
if x.lev == Global or \
x.lev == curlev: return (x.name)
# pop result from stack; i.e. 'x[i]', x['first'], '(x+y)', and so on
elif x.lev == Stack or \
x.lev == MemInd or \
x.lev == MemAbs: return encaseParenthesis(asm.pop()) # Check if popped element needs to be encased with '()'
else: mark('loadItem - error; received var level not handled' + str(x.lev))
else: mark('loadItem - encountered unknown type' + str(x)); return None
When loading, if a result is popped from the stack it also enclosed in a new set of parenthesis. This is done with the inclusion of the encaseParenthesis function:
def encaseParenthesis(msg):
if (str(msg[0]) != '(' or str(msg[-1]) != ')'): msg = '(' + str(msg) + ')'
return msg
The genLeftassign function was originally used to help with array values in WebAssembly code generation. In Python,
def genLeftAssign(x):
global lhsAssign; lhsAssign += 1
return x
The genRightAssign function was find and loads the expression on the right of the assignment and stores it in as a name in a temporary variable.
def genRightAssign(x):
global rhsAssign; rhsAssign += 1
y = Var(x.tp)
y.name = loadItem(x)
y.lev = curlev
return y
Both lhsAssign
is used to keep track of how
many assignments have occurred on the same line.
For example, P0 commands
a, b := 3, 5
lhsAssign = 2 = rhsAssign
a, b, c := 4, 2, 1
lhsAssign = 3 = rhsAssign
This is used to later ensure the correct of order assigning, such that the python conversion results in
a = 3
b = 5
This is especially important when going through loops.
j = 1 j = 1
while (j < 32): while (j < 32):
print(j) j = j+1
j = j + 1 print(j)
Finally, the genAssign function is prompted to simply load the variables (x, y) and assign them directly. It then appends the Python equivalent:
def genAssign(x, y):
global lhsAssign, rhsAssign, listWaitAssign
y2 = loadItem(y) # y2 is loaded first due to stack
x2 = loadItem(x)
# store assignment statement in waiting list
listWaitAssign += [' '*indent + x2 + ' = ' + str(y2)]
lhsAssign -= 1; rhsAssign -= 1 # removed one assignment statement from the (a,b,c :=3,5,6)
# if all assignment statements in this line have been assigned...
if (lhsAssign == 0 == rhsAssign):
while (len(listWaitAssign) > 0): asm.append(listWaitAssign.pop()) # append the lines to the stack
Arrays are handled with the genIndex function. It links the proper variable and index together in Python form, and changes the appropriate type modifiers.
def genIndex(x, y):
y2 = loadItem(y)
x2 = loadItem(x)
asm.append(x2 + '[' + y2 + ']')
if x.lev == MemAbs and type(y) == Const:
x.tp = x.tp.base
x = Var(x.tp.base)
if x.tp in (Int, Bool) or type(x.tp) == Set: x.lev = MemInd
else: x.lev = Stack
return x
Similarly, supporting record assignment involved modifying the genSelect function to append the proper key-value pair together with the brackets in Python form:
#x.f becomes x["f"]
def genSelect(x, f):
x2 = loadItem(x)
asm.append(x2 + '["' + f.name + '"]')
x.lev = Stack
x.tp = f.tp
return x
Altogether, this means that variables and the different types of variables now properly work. Here are a few examples of the different types in use:
const N = 4
var r: integer
program useful
var x, y: integer
r := 7
y, x := 6, 10
10 6 4
var c: [0 .. 1] → integer
var a, b: [2 .. 9] → integer
program p
b[2] := 3; b[3] := 5
a := b
write(a[2]); write(a[3]); write(a[4]) // writes 3, 5, 0
3 5 0
type A = [2 .. 9] → integer
type B = [0 .. 1] → A
var b: B
procedure q(x: A) → (y: A)
y := x; write(x[4]) // writes 0
program p
b[1][2] := 3; b[1][3] := 5
b[0] ← q(b[1])
write(b[0][2]); write(b[0][3])
0 3 5
type T = (first: integer, second: integer, third: integer)
var r: T
program records
r.first := 1
r.second := 10
r.third := -6
10 1 -6
type T = (first: integer, second: integer, third: integer)
var r: T
var s: T
program records
r.first := 1
r.second := 10
r.third := -6
s.first := r.second
s.third := r.first + r.second + r.third
10 5
type S = set [1..10]
procedure elements(s: S)
var i: integer
writeln(); i := 0
while i < 11 do
if i ∈ s then write(i)
i := i + 1
program p
var s: S
s := {3,4,1,8}; elements(s)
1 3 4 8
To support Operations we generally had to modify the genUnaryOp, genBinaryOp, and genRelation functions to append the Python equivalent. Loading the operands was done the same way through the loadItem function.
def genUnaryOp(op, x):
# load the name/value/expr of x
x2 = loadItem(x)
if op ...
else: mark('genUnaryOp - unhandled operator received: ' +str(op))
return x
if op == MINUS:
asm.append('-' + str(x2))
x = Var(Int); x.lev = Stack
program unary
var y: integer
y := -(1)
elif op == SET:
x = Var(Set(0, 32)); x.lev = Stack
The function encaseBraces simply takes the value and encases it in braces if required.
def encaseBraces(msg):
if (str(msg[0]) != '{' or str(msg[-1]) != '}'): msg = '{' + str(msg) + '}'
return msg
type S = set [1..10]
procedure elements(s: S)
var i: integer
writeln(); i := 0
while i < 10 do
if i ∈ s then write(i)
i := i + 1
program sets
var s, t: S
s := {3,4}; elements(s)
3 4
elif op == CARD:
# Gets the number of elements in the set
asm.append('len' + encaseParenthesis(x2))
x = Var(Int); x.lev = Stack
type S = set [1..10]
program sets
var s: S
s := {3,4}; write(#s)
elif op == COMPLEMENT:
# an empty set has value 0
if (x2 == '0'): x2 = 'set()'
asm.append('uSet - ' + x2)
x = Var(x.tp); x.lev = Stack
program sets
var a, b: set [1 .. 11]
var i: integer
i, a := 1, {3, 5, 7}
a := a ∩ ∁{7, 9}
while i < 12 do
if i ∈ a then write(i)
i := i + 1
3 5
elif op == NOT:
asm.append('not ' + encaseParenthesis(x2))
x = Var(Bool); x.lev = Stack
program logic
var x, y: boolean
x := true
y := ¬(true)
if (x and y) then write(1) else write(2)
program logic
var x, y: boolean
x := ¬(false)
y := ¬(false)
if (x and y) then write(1) else write(2)
def genBinaryOp(op, x, y):
y2 = loadItem(y)
x2 = loadItem(x)
if ...
else: mark('genBinaryOp - unknown binary operator encountered ' + str(op))
return x
if op in PLUS:
asm.append((x2 + '+' + y2) if op == PLUS)
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x, y := 2, 3
if op in MINUS:
asm.append((x2 + '-' + y2) if op == MINUS)
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x, y := 2, 3
if op in TIMES:
asm.append((x2 + '*' + y2) if op == TIMES)
program arithmetic
var y, z: integer
y, z := -2, 3
program arithmetic
var y, z: integer
y, z := 2, 3
if op in DIV:
asm.append(('int(' + x2 + '/' + y2 + ')') if op == DIV)
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x, y := 3, 3
write(x div y)
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x, y := 7, 3
write(x div y)
if op in MOD:
asm.append((x2 + '%' + y2) if op == MOD)
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x, y := 3, 3
write(x mod y)
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x, y := 10, 3
write(x mod y)
For binary operations that involved Union or Intersection between sets, we decided to include a separate function genSetOp that performed the operation betwen the sets and returned a simplified Python equivalent when available. This is done to reduce the amount of clutter that occurs in the Python code.
For example, instead of writing
, we
instead try to write {3, 5, 7}
def genSetOp(x, y, op):
# removes ({...}) from string, and returns elements as int if possible
# i.e. '({3, 5})' and '({7})' => [3, 5] and [7]
def listFromString(s):
if (s[0] == '(' and s[1] == '{' and \
s[-1] == ')' and s[-2] == '}'):
s = s[2:-2]
s = [int(v) for v in s.split(',')]
return s
# Generate int lists from x and y, and try and use .union
xList = listFromString(x); yList = listFromString(y)
if (isinstance(xList, list) and isinstance(yList, list)):
if (op == UNION): res = set(xList).union(set(yList))
elif (op == INTERSECTION): res = set(xList).intersection(set(yList))
else: mark('setOp - unhandled operation ' + str(op))
# failed cleanup (i.e vars were present). This is the default handling
if (op == UNION): opStr = ".union("
elif (op == INTERSECTION): opStr = ".intersection("
else: mark('setOp - unhandled operation ' + str(op))
res = x + opStr + y + ")"
return str(res)
asm.append(genSetOp(x2, y2, op))
x = Var(x.tp); x.lev = Stack
type S = set [1..10]
procedure elements(s: S)
var i: integer
writeln(); i := 0
while i < 10 do
if i ∈ s then write(i)
i := i + 1
program uni
var s: S
s := {3,4,1,8}
s := s ∪ {1, 9}; elements(s)
1 3 4 8 9
type S = set [1..10]
procedure elements(s: S)
var i: integer
writeln(); i := 0
while i < 10 do
if i ∈ s then write(i)
i := i + 1
program inter
var s: S
s := {3,4,1,9}
s := s ∩ {5, 7, 9}; elements(s)
elif op == AND:
asm.append(x2 + ' and ' + y2)
x = Var(Bool); x.lev = Stack
program logic
var x, y: boolean
x := true
y := false
if (x and y) then write(1) else write(2)
program logic
var x, y: boolean
x := true
y := true
if (x and y) then write(1) else write(2)
elif op == OR:
asm.append(x2 + ' or ' + y2)
x = Var(Bool); x.lev = Stack
program logic
var x, y: boolean
x := false
y := false
if (x or y) then write(1) else write(2)
program logic
var x, y: boolean
x := true
y := false
if (x or y) then write(1) else write(2)
def genRelation(op, x, y):
y2 = loadItem(y)
x2 = loadItem(x)
if op == ...
return x
asm.append((x2 + ' == ' + y2) if op == EQ)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 3, 3
if (x = y) then write(1)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 3, 4
if (x = y) then write(1) else write(2)
asm.append((x2 + ' != ' + y2) if op == NEQ)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 3, 4
if (x != y) then write(1)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 4, 4
if (x != y) then write(1) else write(2)
asm.append((x2 + ' < ' + y2) if op == LT)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 3, 4
if (x < y) then write(1)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 4, 4
if (x < y) then write(1) else write(2)
asm.append((x2 + ' > ' + y2) if op == GT)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 4, 3
if (x > y) then write(1)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 4, 4
if (x > y) then write(1) else write(2)
asm.append((x2 + ' <= ' + y2) if op == LE)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 3, 4
if (x <= y) then write(1)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 3, 3
if (x <= y) then write(1)
asm.append((x2 + ' >= ' + y2) if op == GE)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 3, 3
if (x >= y) then write(1)
program relation
var x, y: integer
x, y := 4, 3
if (x >= y) then write(1)
asm.append((x2 + ' in ' + y2) if op == ELEMENT)
type S = set [1..10]
program element
var s, t: S
s := {3,4,1,9}
if 3 ∈ s then write(1) else write(2)
type S = set [1..10]
program element
var s, t: S
s := {3,4,1,9}
if 10 ∈ s then write(1) else write(2)
asm.append((x2 + '.issubset(' + y2 + ')') if op == SUBSET)
type S = set [1..10]
program sub
var s, t: S
s := {3,4,1,9}
t := {4,3}
if t ⊆ s then write(1)
type S = set [1..10]
program sub
var s: S
s := {3,4,1,9}
if {3,2,21} ⊆ s then write(1) else write(2)
asm.append((x2 + '.issuperset(' + y2 + ')') if op == SUPERSET)
type S = set [1..10]
program super
var s, t: S
t := {3,4,1,9}
s := {4,3}
if t ⊇ s then write(1)
type S = set [1..10]
program super
var s, t: S
s := {3,4,1,9}
t := {4,3}
if t ⊇ s then write(1) else write(2)
The functions genActualPara and the
genCall function are used by
when calling a function.
genActualPara attempts to loads the actual parameters that the procedure will use when it is called.
# loads the actual parameters onto the stack, and also returns the new parameter to be used in genCall's `ap` parameter
def genActualPara(ap, fp, n):
newParameter = loadItem(ap)
return newParameter
genCall contains the return parameters,
procedure, and the actual parameters it will execute
the procedure with. ap
contains the
list of all actual parameters generated by
def genCall(rp, pr, ap):
# genActualPara pushed ap onto the stack in addition to passing it to this function
# we can use this to check if genCall is going to receive the correct parameters
for a in reversed(ap):
b = asm.pop()
if a != b: mark("\ngenCall - invalid parameter found between " + str(a) + " and " + str(b))
# Start line of code
res = ' '*indent
# adding return parameters; i.e b = a(1)
if (len(rp) > 0): res +=','.join(loadItem(r) for r in rp) + ' = '
# adding actual procedure call with ap parameters
res += pr.name + '(' + ','.join(a for a in ap) + ')'
res += pr.name + '(' + ','.join(a for a in ap) + ')'
# store assignment statement in waiting list to handle multiple assignments in the same line
listWaitAssign += [res]
lhsAssign -= len(rp) # lhsAssign should equal rhsAssign; i.e. x, y = quotrem(5, 3)
# all assignments in line appended to listWaitAssign; now we add the list to the stack
if (lhsAssign == 0 == rhsAssign):
while (len(listWaitAssign) > 0): asm.append(listWaitAssign.pop())
procedure useful(x, y: integer) → (q, r: integer)
q, r := x, y
program veryuseful
var a, b, q, r: integer
a := 2
b := 3
q, r ← useful(a, b)
write(q); write(r)
2 3
In P0, we used read(), write(), and writeln() from a P0 library. These are written in Python with input() and print().
Print statements simply involved modifying the genWrite and genWriteLn functions to instead append the Python equivalent print and println, depending on the command received.
def genWrite(x):
eleml = asm.pop() # genActualPara pushes the target onto the stack before genWrite is called
asm.append(' '*indent + 'print(' + str(eleml) + ')')
def genWriteln():
asm.append(' '*indent + "print('\\n')")
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x, y := 4, 2
program blank
The genRead function appends the Python equivalent input without the need of calling genAssign.
def genRead(x):
global lhsAssign; lhsAssign -= 1 # x = input(); finished an assignment statement, lhs -= 1
asm.append(' '*indent + x.name + " = int(input())")
y = Var(Int); y.lev = Stack
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x ← read(); y ← read()
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\linas\Desktop\4tb3 new\group-21\p0\program.py", line 10, in <module> arithmetic() File "C:\Users\linas\Desktop\4tb3 new\group-21\p0\program.py", line 6, in arithmetic x = int(input()) EOFError: EOF when reading a line
Unfortunately, we encountered a limitation of the use of input. Despite implementing the proper conversion into Python code, it cannot be run from within the wrapper kernel for any Jupyter Notebook.
If run, it will throw an EOF error or communications error due to the input feed being cut off immediately. We had multiple attempts of solving this limitation with little success.
Some attempts included using different kernel messages on the shell (stdin, execute_reply to allow for shell input), detecting the number of input lines after and feeding them as arguments separately, programmatically creating new cells used for input, using custom ipython widgets and so on.
For any If statements, the functions genThen, genIfThen, and genIfElse were modified to better support the Python equivalent block construction.
The genThen function was modified to retrieve the condition and put it within the condition statement:
# This generates the condition to check against
def genThen(x):
x2 = loadItem(x)
asm.append(' '*indent + 'if (' + x2 + '):')
return x
The genElse function was only slightly modified to append the start of a Python equivalent Else block:
# Generates the 'else:' line after y has been loaded
def genElse(x, y):
asm.append(' '*indent + 'else:')
The genIfThen and genIfElse functions were modified to remove any unnecessary WebAssembly instructions from being appended:
# If X, then Y; Y is built from alternate call; we just end If-Then here
def genIfElse(x, y, z):
return x
# Ends the If X Then Y Else Z clause
def genIfThen(x, y):
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x := 1
y := 2
if x ≠ y then write(x × y)
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x := 1
y := 2
if (x ≤ y) or (x ≥ y) then write(x + y)
To support While loops, the functions genWhile, genDo, and genWhileDo were all modified.
The genWhile function was only slightly modified to append the start of a Python equivalent while loop.
def genWhile():
asm.append('while (')
The genDo function was modified to retrieve (and subsequently delete) all of the separate conditions for the loop and put them within the condition statement:
# After all conditions are appended to stack; go back through them and combine them into one string
def genDo(x):
asm.append(')') # End of condition element
elemc = ' '*indent + "while (" # Start of code line to be added
for i in range(asm.index('while (') + 1, len(asm)): # Gathering all conditions
elemc += asm[i]
elemc += ':' # while (x..y):
del asm[asm.index('while (') : ] # remove from stack the gathered conditions
asm.append(elemc) # Append the new condition element
return x
The genWhileDo function was modified to remove any unnecessary WebAssembly instructions from being appended:
# Simply ends the while loop by moving the indent back once
def genWhileDo(t, x, y):
program arithmetic
var x, y: integer
x := 1
y := 4
while y ≥ x do
x := x + 1
2 3 4 5
program arithmetic
var x, y, z: integer
x := 1
y := 4
z := 4
while (y ≥ x) and (z ≥ x) do
x := x + 1
2 3
Python requires indentation to indicate different blocks of code and compile correctly. To achieve proper indentation there is a global variable called indent, and a function called moveIndent to modify indent at any point:
def moveIndent(val):
global indent
indent += (val*4)
This function is called at multiple points, depending on what block of code is occurring. For example, whenever a program or procedure starts, the indent is increased by 4:
def genProgEntry(ident):
Then, whenever it exits, it decrements the indent by 4:
def genProgExit(x):
Other scenarios of changing the indent include inside of If blocks and While loops: \
def genIfThen(x, y):
def genWhileDo(t, x, y):
Every instruction appended to the array depends on this global level of indent. There is white space prepended to every string that is multiplied by the indent:
asm.append(' '*indent + 'print(' + str(eleml) + ')')
Two problems stood out the most
cannot work within the P0
Our first attempt involved using compilation of the
cell contents to WebAssembly via
. However, we eventually
encountered problems on our devices where certain
commands and libraries were not natively installed
on the host OS.
I.e. wat2wasm
libraries, and more.
We later scrapped this idea around the end of March and worked towards developing a new Python Code Generator instead that could natively run the compiled Python program and return the outputs.
giving EOF
During development of CGpy.py
, we
eventually came across a rather significant error
that occurred only when running through Jupyter
For the majority of the development, we had been
testing our compiled programs in terminal. However,
when we tried running the compiled program in the
Kernel, we came across the EOF error that occurs
when the python program prompts the user with
However, the Kernel does not pause the execution and allow further inputs from the user to the program. This results in the program immediately halting with the EOF error, as it never receives an input.
However, running the program in terminal does prompt the user for input.
We tried multiple methods of getting around this issue.
statements, prompting the
user to fill them in, and then feeding the user
inputs with to the program (I.e. basically
replace input() with argv[i]